About Me

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I'm a Great Northwesterner that is now loving life in the Midwest. I am a world class napper. I'm very bossy. I clearly love a good glass of Scotch. I wear aprons every chance I get.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We Had A Party!!

Last night was the Third Annual Taylor Holday Home Evening. We had amazing performances (lip syncs) of "Leroy the Redneck Reindeer," and the Bing Crosby version of "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" and all kinds of other festive songs. We sure laughed a lot!!

These jokers sure are special. Do ask Mark about his fall in the kitchen at the church...

Our number was "He's The Man With All The Toys" and we also included sock puppets. Geoff is showing off his friend, Saul.

The Graham Girls and their great choreography!

This is the McDermott's and their rendition of of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." Chris made an hilarious Bing Crosby.

The Garrett Chin Chorus...I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Yes, he's our Bishop.

Would you be surprised to know that it only took twenty minutes to find a susaphone and an accordian in the ward? I was.

Our super gangsta missionaries. You know they're good guys if they get invited to the most elitest event of the year.

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