About Me

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I'm a Great Northwesterner that is now loving life in the Midwest. I am a world class napper. I'm very bossy. I clearly love a good glass of Scotch. I wear aprons every chance I get.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Noble Tradtion

We, as a family, have NEVER had our Christmas tree before December 1...EVER. But this year Mom found a beautiful tree at a lot near her office. She called Dad and me to come out and inspect it, and if approved, take that bad boy home! Lucky for us it is a grand 8.5 foot noble fir - and here is what it looked like getting it home and into the house...

I must say that it is a little weird having our tree so early - mostly because we used to comment on how zealous those folks were who would have their tree before December even started!! Crazy. And now - we're one of them...
Mark unfastens the tree from the roof of the Jeep
Happily shaking out all the dead needles...and bugs.
Mr. Tree is prepped for the cutting of the trunk and stand fitting
Mark makes quick work of that trunk - and pictures of the tree in the house - all decorated will posted AFTER December 1.


Trixie L'Amour said...

so wierd....................

Granelda Thudpucker said...

Can't wait to see the finished product. I say if you see the one you want don't worry about the date....you don't want to wait and loose out.