About Me

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I'm a Great Northwesterner that is now loving life in the Midwest. I am a world class napper. I'm very bossy. I clearly love a good glass of Scotch. I wear aprons every chance I get.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Home Evening 2007

This year the Taylor family performed Gene Autry's holiday classic, "32 Feet and 8 Little Tails." We sure had a lot of fun and hope you enjoy our performance.


Granelda Thudpucker said...

I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!

MKB said...

I think I peed my pants a little bit from laughing it was AWESOME!! You guys need to move to Boise so we can do this with you!

Mrs. Doctor said...

Too fun! Wish we could have seen it in person. I watched it with Honey Bunch, and at the end she said, "woo hoo!"

Anonymous said...

I watched this video 12 times and still didn't come up with more than 14 feet in any one frame. I expect an explanation.

Anonymous said...

You did, however, deliver on the eight tails.