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I'm a Great Northwesterner that is now loving life in the Midwest. I am a world class napper. I'm very bossy. I clearly love a good glass of Scotch. I wear aprons every chance I get.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This way lies madness...

OK people, listen up.  Here is where we talk for a moment about the details in life.  I feel that the details are important.  I think this is why I love Disneyland so much, because the overall picture is awesome, but a closer look reveals thoughtful details that make a rich and full experience.  I love details and thoughtfulness.  BUT there is a point where the "details" become crazy talk.

I follow a blog called One Charming Party, and I often replicate their ideas for parties or events.  And often their suggestions are rational and sometimes their decor or staging requires a little extra effort, but nothing like this:

Make your own popcorn box.  Make your OWN POPCORN BOX?!  Come on.  FIRST, how many people are really hosting an elaborate movie night?  SECOND, movie night is mostly with your family, right?  So, when did a normal bowl become passe?  THIRD, "they" sell packages of adorable popcorn boxes for like, a DOLLAR, so even if you do want your at home movie night to be fancy - do you really need to spend several hours cutting and assembling popcorn boxes that no one will care about once the popcorn is gone?!  Time is money, friends. 

Remember, I am PRO details and fancy fun do-dahs that will make people feel special because someone thought about them and is willing to expend effort on their behalf.  But with the advent of Pinterest and tradition of providing a goody bag for playing in a soccer game, we are going too far.  Expectations need to be reasonable, and I, for one, am calling for a "WHOA, NELLIE!"  Who's with me? 


MKB said...

Totally with you. Of course I am totally lazy so that would never happen.

Unknown said...

Amen, and amen. (Mingling with God?)

It's all a little crazy. The other day I saw (I think on Oh Happy Day.) an awesome "Movie Theater" marquee you could whip together for your next movie night (that you would use your handmade popcorn boxes at!)

While darling and charming, I am sure that marquee would cost abou $100 to make and 4 days. And then after your movie party it would sit in your garage. It just seems silly.