Granelda Thudpucker who submitted: "You put your fork near my plate again...."
Art who submitted: "I got turkey on the plate and on the brain, but who's the turkey with the camera?"Thank you all and congrats to Granelda and Art! Your prize of a cool new mix CD mastered by Miss Five will be in the mail soon.
Congrats to Art and first I thought she meant the winner "gets" a in a necktie...which would be kind of a letdown as a prize....but now I am a jealous, cuz Miss Five has a lot of great music.....and that's an awesome prize............maybe I should demand a recount!!! Wait, did I even enter this contest???
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!
Saaaa-weeeett! And I thought the prize would be a "bag of stuff" but a compilation of tunes is over the top!
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