So - it's a for REALS snow day here in Oregon...Taylors lost power - and we all know how Miss Five does without WiFi...
So I'm at work today with my Mom and I know it will be so exciting to read what I'm I'll keep updating through the day. Maybe minute to don't know!
10:17 a.m. I'm almost done drying my pant legs by the giant radial heater. I may have 1st degree burns on my legs - the heater is THAT hot. I've finished my egg McMuffin and am enjoying my water while I wait for Mom to give me my first project. Also - there is easily a foot of snow outside. And my Mom used a 7 inch plastic dustpan to "shovel" the walk. You should have seen it.
10:28 a.m. I typed up a label for a shipment to Azerbaijnan and am now working on a new Christmas mix. I have well over 24 hours of Christmas music and I think I'm going to send my mix to the radio station since all they have is "All I Want for Christmas is You" and "Oh Holy Night."
10:30 a.m. The power is allegedly back on at our house - so hooray for PGE! Woo Hoo! I'm hoping we don't need to get a hotel room for the night - even though we packed for it! We might need to get two rooms - one for Dad and Me and then another room for Mom and Kyle.
10:41 a.m. Another of the staff members is coming to I have to move computers. But don't worry - this thrilling blow by blow of the day will keep coming...
12:13 p.m. I've been playing Scrabble online with my friend Matt who is in Russia. It was so fun to chat with him and get totally creamed at Scrabble. I was working really hard to avoid all the bonus squares. SUCCESS!
1:05 p.m. Actually been working for a little bit now - getting file labels typed up for the previous month's orders. And waiting for the delicious lunch to arrive. I'm pretty excited about
2:35 p.m. Lunch is over and now it's back to making more labels for files. During lunch we were notified that the UPS driver was off in a ditch, waiting for a new truck and a tow out of the ditch. The driver also said, "If you want your packages to go out, you'll need to bring them to me. That's what they told me to say!" And we did want those packages to go out - so the packages were delivered to the ditch by the Intrepid Tundra Adventurers. Now I have the radial heater going on my feet...what a day for "working!"
3:28 p.m. I am discovering that my local friends who were traveling away may not be traveling away. Am currently not working and instead trying to figure out how to help them save Christmas.
3:46 p.m. Menu planning...and hoping I get it right...
4:00 p.m. Just one hour of work left! Har har har...
4:26 p.m. Just sent the last of the labels to the printer. Now the trick will be getting them ONTO the files by the time Dad gets here at 5:00 p.m.!
3 days ago
Well.........did you get the labels on the files and save Christmas????
Love the blow by blow
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