in the NorthWest...they've canceled Christmas. I enjoyed a "snow day" every day last week. School was canceled, programs were canceled, parties were canceled, tennis was canceled. And here's why:

Crazy tons of snow in Beaverton!

The view out the front door...

There's easily over six inches of snow...and we just don't do that here in Oregon.

The view out the back. Wow.
They canceled church today - which means that all those choir rehearsals were in vain. Well - not for me - I don't sing in the choir. I'm just saying...
And thus concludes the weather report.
Funny that I wrote almost the exact same post before I saw yours. Great minds...
And I am in the choir and I am bitter that we don't get to sing today. Maybe we'll sing the songs for Easter.
WOW!!! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas........I just feel a song coming on.
Looks crazy. Stay tucked in.
holy smokes myrna! We're covered in snow that is topped with 1" of ice. Only difference is that is "normal" for us. Stay warm!
What a wonderful way to spend a Solstice. All wrapped in Mother's blank. It will make the coming of the light even more enjoyable and magical.
Auntie Karen
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