Sunday: Tried to unplug griddle. Plug burst into flames in my hand. Result = second degree burns, bandages and sedation.
Result = me sobbing in my car for 30 minutes and then pressure washing in the backyard.
Tuesday: Having to debrief attack. Cried some more.
Result = Extreme relief when the Binghams had a false alarm and I called in a sub for Wednesday.
Wednesday: Binghams didn't have baby. Head filled with pressure and was quite queasy all day.
Result = sleeping most of the day away. Kind of a waste and kind of a relief.
Thursday: Attacking student back at school after suspension. Continued with nausea and cold symptoms.
Result = not swine flu.
Friday: All students at school were flying high. Other staff getting slapped in the face.
Result = sheer joy at having made it through the week and to be at my dance class.
The weekend was SO much better - and going into this week things are already looking up. It's only a three day week at work, thanks to parent/teacher conferences.
What a week. I think you need to come see me for a mini vacation.
I am sure this week will improve after all in can only go one way from here.......up
Where do you teach? What kind of place is it? (Sounds dangerous!!)
I am sooo sorry ...hope your hand gets better, and you stay safe!!
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