A little boy in our ward at church is currently going through chemotherapy. He's only six and it's rough. Let's face it here: chemotherapy is rough at any age - but this boy is so sweet and is currently adding major anxiety attacks prior to each treatment. And, since I'm part of the worlds most rockin' Primary - we wanted to do something that might help and at least remind him that he is loved - even when his body is being pumped full of toxins...
SO - each family/child/Primary worker was given a quilt square to decorate and then donate to a big quilt to be given to him before his next treatment. The due date is...today (now that I look at the clock) and here is what I did with mine:
6 days ago
Awesome!! You rock!
That is so amazing. You are too talented for your own good.
Love it! It's even better than you described.
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