We, as a family, have NEVER had our Christmas tree before December 1...EVER. But this year Mom found a beautiful tree at a lot near her office. She called Dad and me to come out and inspect it, and if approved, take that bad boy home! Lucky for us it is a grand 8.5 foot noble fir - and here is what it looked like getting it home and into the house...
I must say that it is a little weird having our tree so early - mostly because we used to comment on how zealous those folks were who would have their tree before December even started!! Crazy. And now - we're one of them...
Best Basic Old-Fashioned Pancakes
4 days ago
so wierd....................
Can't wait to see the finished product. I say if you see the one you want don't worry about the date....you don't want to wait and loose out.
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