While visiting in Boise with the Crockpot and the Mrs., the Crockpot was sorting some of his "stuff" from the most recent auctions - and he discovered this cat.
The best part about this cat is that it comes with instructions on the bottom stating that "for maximum effectiveness move every few days." Neither the Crockpot or I could determine the effect we would be going for - but the Crockpot assures me that he'll keep moving it every few days...I can't wait.
Sleeping Turtle
1 day ago
I think it is to scare birds away...
either that or hookers.
Dear Miss 5 - I've moved the "cat" 3 times now and it seems that the "maximum effectiveness" I've derived is a minimal amount of exercise moving the dang thing and a bit of mental anguish wondering if I'm missing the point. I'll keep you posted if something else manifests.
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