Over fifty years ago, several women that were NOT in the 3rd Ward in Idaho Falls started a monthly meeting. They were able to get away for a little while and talk about what was going on in their lives, with their kids and husbands, their homes and friends. They meet on the last Monday of the month. They take turns hosting each month - signing up a year in advance. Originally they would meet and have dinner. On special occasions the husbands would join them. They pay dues and have a president, which changes from time to time. The president manages the money, sending flowers and books for folks who are sick or grieving or have a new baby or other reason to celebrate. The president also keeps the other members updated on what's going on with fellow Club members and other friends. Now they visit and catch up and have a dessert - and have started taking the winter months off.
But here's what you must know: Club is a BIG deal. These women have been friends
forEVER and my being invited to Club is still a huge honor, even after the fact. My MOM hasn't even been to Club. The ladies arrived and were very gracious to me, the young pup and let me sit and listen. I'm sure when I was four years old, my mother would have died laughing to think of my sitting quietly and listening to other people talk. But I did. They caught up on all the news - never once gossiping or passing judgement. I hope that one day I can have that kind of friendship and association with the same caliber of ladies as I met at Club. Here we all are - they even let me take their picture.
Your Grandma sure is pretty, isn't she? I know and love all the Club Ladies, and they are a remarkable group, indeed. I hope to one day attend Club, my ownself.
There is a lot of history in that picture...
I don't know who is who, but the lady on the chair looks like she knows what is up. I don't think you should ever cross her, because she would give you the what for.
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