So I'm home again and for the first time in over 48 hours I'm not feeling nauseous. A sad ending to a very great trip to visit the Malley's with Seth, Reyna, and I getting food poisoning. We're blaming the srimps. So sad. But quite frankly, I have a new found respect for the Malleys as they still hosted a delightful birthday party for their son, Bennett - even after barfing all morning. I am still impressed.
Our bodies sure are amazing...if something isn't supposed to be in sure makes sure that the toxin is removed by any means or hatch it has.
But it was a great time other than that...and my aunt and uncle let me stay at their house while they were away. It was so nice to be able to rest in a quiet bed and sip Sprite. I drove home today from Boise without stopping once. I'm not sure if I'm proud of that or worried. Jury is still out.